Serving Our Community

School kit packing at St. Mark's Lutheran Church for Lutheran World Relief.

God's Work, Our Hands

St. Mark’s is proud to serve our community through a variety of collection and volunteer efforts. Through our work with both local and international organizations, St. Mark’s has put forward countless hours of service to provide for those in need. Jesus teaches us to love our neighbor and give our aid to the needy. Through these efforts we bring that message to fruition.

Community Service

Our church prides itself on being an active force for change in our community. That’s why we are so grateful to work with organizations who share that same conviction. Every month we run a collection effort for Project Concern of Cudahy, gathering items from canned goods to toiletries, all for those in need. In combination with similar efforts for Hope House Milwaukee, St. Mark’s has raised thousands of dollars and donated hundreds of meals to our community’s most vulnerable. In addition, members have gone on site with Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity to help build new homes.

Learn more about these organizations here:

Delivering needed goods to Project Concern. St. Mark's Lutheran Church.
Visiting Habitat for Humanity
Build homes for Habitat for Humanity. St. Mark's Lutheran Church.

International Relief

Aid is not only needed at a local level, but an international level as well. To this end, St. Mark’s has helped with collection efforts with organizations such as Lutheran World Relief, to bring much needed resources to those in need. In particular, we participate in yearly drives to gather and prepare bath and school supply kits for those without access to such items.

In 2023, St. Mark’s resumed mission trips abroad. Through a partnership with Mission Jamaica, the church was able to send multiple members to help rebuilding efforts in the country. Members helped to build homes and a school, all for children in need.

Learn more about these organizations here:

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